Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)

Mobile development: from idea to implementation with DevInterface

Abstract representation telephone


Do you have an idea for an application and are wondering what to do next?

The options are endless and new and exciting smartphone applications are coming onto the market every day. Inspiration is certainly not lacking. What is lacking, however, is implementation: where should I start if I want to create a customised app?

Our article shows you the path we offer to take your app from an idea to its actual realisation.


Considerations to make before approaching a development company...

1) Does my app already exist?

Millions of apps are available in the App Store and Google Play. Chances of your idea being new are relatively low. But this should not discourage you. Look for apps relevant to your industry and test them. Check out user reviews and take inspiration to improve your app.

2) What does my target group think?

If your idea seems really new and innovative, ask yourself: why? and seek expert advice as well. Your topic may not be suitable for app development or may even not be allowed. Also, your target group of potential users might be very narrow. Speak to a representative of your potential user group and try to get honest feedback: does my app idea really solve (your) problem?

3) What problem does my app solve?

An app idea has potential if it solves a problem. In times of oversupply, a user approaching your product may rightfully ask: "What do I get by installing this app?".  Your app idea must be specific and address a concrete challenge that your target group has already recognised as such. It is also important to consider whether the problem is temporary or permanent.


Approaching a development company like DevInterface

To ensure the successful development of your app, we at DevInterface apply the following steps:

1) Assessment analysis of your app project

Evaluation of the idea

During this phase, we evaluate together the idea behind the app. This implies identifying the problem or need that the app should solve (if you have already done this before as we explained earlier all the better), analysing the market to understand its demand and competitiveness, and defining the target audience. We also try to verify the feasibility of the idea in terms of available resources, required technologies and deadlines.


Once we have assessed the idea and the various aspects related to it, we analyse the functionality of the app. We identify the functional requirements, the prioritisation of functionalities according to their importance and user experience, the definition of additional functionalities that can enrich the app, and the analysis of the usability and ergonomics of the user interface.


Finally, we conclude this first part by selecting the most suitable development technologies for the project. This involves the selection of programming languages, frameworks and databases, as well as consideration of the app's distribution platforms, scalability and performance requirements, and security and privacy constraints to ensure the protection of user data.


2) UX/UI design

User research and competitive analysis

Based on the type of customer that comes to us, we start the first phase of UX/UI design by conducting user research and analysing the competition to get a clear view of the context and user expectations. 

Creation of user personas and scenarios

From the research conducted, we create user personas, i.e., fictionalised representations of target users. In this way, we gain a better understanding of the users' needs, behaviour and goals. In addition, user scenarios are defined that illustrate the use cases and interaction flows of the application.

Information Architecture design

Through information architecture, we define the structure and organisation of the user interface. This includes the creation of sitemaps and flowcharts to visualise the user's navigation through the application.

Wireframing and prototyping

We realise wireframes and prototypes, first with low and medium fidelity that represent user interfaces in a schematic and interactive manner. These allow design solutions to be evaluated and tested early in the process, before moving on to the visual design and development phase.

Visual design and style

Once the wireframes and prototypes have been confirmed, we move on to the visual design phase. Here the look and feel of the application is defined, the choice of colours, typefaces and graphic elements. The aim is to create a design that is consistent with the brand and appealing to users.

Usability testing

The last and essential part before handing the project over to the development team is to conduct usability tests to evaluate the effectiveness and user experience of the user interface in order to gather feedback and identify any usability problems that need to be resolved before the application is released.


3) Development

Architecture definition

The development phase begins with the definition of the app architecture. This includes the design of the main components of the application, such as the front-end and back-end, and the definition of the interactions between them. 

API and backend development

During the development of backend services and APIs, we implement the functionality needed to support the operations of the application. This might include data management, user authentication, integration with external systems and more. We strive to provide a backend architecture that is scalable, secure and performant.

App development

During the actual development of the application, we translate the requirements and functionality defined in the previous phases into code. This may include the development of the user interface, implementation of business logic and integration with backend services. During this process, we follow the user interface design guidelines and ensure that the app is consistent and intuitive for end users.


The last critical step in the development phase is testing. This may include unit tests to verify individual code components, integration tests to ensure that the different modules of the app interact correctly, and user acceptance tests to ensure that the app meets the expectations of end users. 


4) Release and maintenance

App release

Once the development phase is completed and quality tests have been passed, the application is distributed to the target platforms. This may include app stores such as the Apple App Store, Google Play Store for Android, or other distribution platforms, depending on the target audience of the application.

Performance monitoring

After the app has been released, it is important to carefully monitor its performance. This may include, for instance, the stability and performance of the server.

Updates and maintenance

During the life cycle of the application, updates and bug fixes are likely to be required. These may be released periodically to improve the functionality of the app, resolve any problems encountered by users and ensure compatibility with new versions of operating systems and devices.


Do you want to create your own app and start working on it?

We have already applied everything you have read in this article to numerous projects with CXOs, marketing managers, product owners, and digital managers who have entrusted us with the creation of their app. If you want to start right away without having to create the methods, tools, processes, and teams for the development of a successful app yourself, and regardless of whether you are in the strategy, concept, implementation, or marketing phase, we will gladly take on most of the work and guide you through the entire process in a spirit of partnership.

So you can focus on your core activities and get your project up and running, we will guide you through the entire strategy and conceptualization, and, if you wish, you can even have your app developed directly by our expert teams.

We offer you a free consultation in which we create a project plan with you and show you the steps that will make your project successful, from the initial strategy to the final release.

Request a free consultation now.