Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)

The year 2023 of DevInterface between innovation and advanced services

Company logo on Christmas winter background


2023 has been a year of growth, innovation and significant achievements for DevInterface. With an increasing presence in international projects and an expanded remote team, we have offered advanced solutions in the mobile sector and beyond. In this article, we will explore key moments that have defined the company's year, from new initiatives in the mobile sector to the important role of our Fraction CTO service, up to the awaited launch of EveryLog, a revolutionary platform for data monitoring. Join us on this journey through DevInterface's year of commitment, growth and success in offering innovative, cutting-edge IT solutions.


Expansion into the Mobile Sector

During 2023, the mobile sector, a constantly transforming and innovating ecosystem, has represented a key pillar for DevInterface with significant projects. The rapid evolution of mobile technologies and user expectations has posed new challenges and unprecedented opportunities.

Facing this dynamism requires not only in-depth knowledge but also a forward-looking vision to anticipate emerging trends. It is in this context that we have demonstrated our expertise and reliability. Our team has been able to meet the challenges of the mobile sector, offering innovative and tailor-made solutions that adapt to evolving customer needs.

In the current landscape, relying on competent experts in the mobile sector has become essential to remain competitive and relevant. We have embraced this need, offering not only technical knowledge but also a clear perspective on the upcoming industry developments with our customers.

Our approach in the mobile sector is not limited to providing immediate solutions, but embraces a long-term vision, giving customers a lasting competitive advantage in an increasingly dynamic market.


Fractional CTO

One of the main focal points has been our Fractional CTO service, which has played a central role in multiple international projects. The CTO figure, no longer relegated solely to large companies, has become critically important for medium-sized and small companies as well.

Stefano, DevInterface's Fractional CTO has distinguished himself as a trusted strategic advisor, a technology leader who actively collaborates with companies to guide them towards achieving their technology goals. His presence, even on a fractional or temporary basis, has been invaluable, offering expert guidance in defining and implementing targeted technology strategies.

This service not only provides immediate solutions, but focuses on creating a personalised technology roadmap aligned with short- and long-term business goals. A Fractional CTO brings with him a wealth of varied experience and knowledge, giving companies access to high-level expertise without the burden of a full-time commitment.

The advantages of adopting the Fractional CTO service are numerous: the company gains the expertise of a technology executive without the burden of a full-time salary, it can benefit from an external and objective perspective on technology evolution, and, most importantly, it can define and implement strategies that lead to immediate and long-term improvement in business performance.


The launch of EveryLog

EveryLog has been DevInterface's flagship product during 2023, a development that is set to revolutionise the way companies manage and monitor their data in real time. This SaaS, currently being launched, represents a significant step forward in optimising work efficiency and managing critical issues.

Key features of EveryLog include:

  • Event tracking from multiple sources: EveryLog allows you to collect data from multiple sources, creating a complete and detailed picture of business activities.
  • Centralised notification hub: Aggregates all notifications in a single platform, providing a holistic view of alerts and critical issues.
  • Structured notifications: Notifications are presented in a clear and structured manner, allowing users to easily understand the importance and urgency of each event.
  • Bookmarking and rescheduling: users can mark relevant events as bookmarks for quick future access and can also schedule notifications or tasks according to business needs.
  • Real-time notifications: provides instant, real-time alerts on critical events or anomalies, allowing businesses to react quickly.
  • Customised business use: each user can adapt the interface and notifications according to their specific needs, making the EveryLog experience highly customised and versatile.

There are considerable benefits to be gained from adopting EveryLog. Businesses will be able to optimise their operations, reduce reaction times to unforeseen issues and improve operational efficiency overall. Being able to identify and deal with critical issues quickly will avoid prolonged interruptions and ensure smooth business continuity.

In a world increasingly dependent on efficient data management, EveryLog stands as a key resource, promising to radically transform the way companies deal with and manage the complexity of operational data.


The three most popular articles

Throughout the year, we shared fundamental knowledge and industry trends through articles that attracted a great deal of interest. The most read this year were:

  1. Svelte, Solid and Qwik: the rise of new front-end frameworks
  2. Astro: everything you need to know about this increasingly popular framework
  3. The 10 most used programming languages at present



We would like to sincerely thank all our customers and employees for their continued trust and support during this remarkable year. We wish you all happy holidays and a new year full of success and satisfaction. Our team looks forward to continuing this extraordinary adventure together in 2024, ready to embrace new challenges and even greater successes.