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5 good reasons to use Flutter in mobile development

Illustrated telephones


Applications are becoming an emerging and fast-growing trend, especially in the corporate sector.

This is a sector that is destined to grow, but in which the developer must know how to move in order not to risk offering an obsolete, poor-performing product that is destined to be forgotten.

In this article, we will talk about Flutter and we will do so by outlining five good reasons why we rely on this framework for mobile app development

But let's go in stages.


What is it and why use it?

Flutter is an open-source framework created by Google, based on the Dart language, which is used for the development of cross-platform mobile applications. It combines extreme ease of development with native performance while trying to maintain visual consistency between the different platforms.


What makes it better than other frameworks?

  1. Same codebase for all platforms: Flutter does not need any other specific components to render the user interface across platforms. The result? You save time and effort by writing a single codebase that will then be compiled natively for iOS and Android;
  2. Reduced development time: with the ''hot reload'' function, it is possible to see changes made instantly, without the risk of losing the current state of the app. This speeds up development without having to recompile the app every time changes are made. In addition, Flutter provides several ready-to-use and customisable widgets (for the most part) as well as a large set of widgets that perfectly recreate the design of each reference platform (iOS and Android);
  3. Faster time-to-market: any 2D-based interface can be implemented in Flutter without first having to interact with a native counterpart. This happens because it provides an API for creating the user interface that abstracts and renders all native components;
  4. Native app-like performance: contrary to other frameworks, Flutter does not rely on any intermediate interpretation of the code; rather, the framework compiles directly into native code, thus eliminating any latency;
  5. Native code if necessary: however, it is possible at any time to overcome the limitations of the framework by adding platform-specific native code to the Dart code.


Is Flutter a good solution?

Definitely yes, which is why we rely on this language for mobile application development. Mainly because it turns out to be the fastest way to deliver a native, high-performance application for iOS and Android.

If you plan to create a mobile app, turn it into reality by relying on the DevInterface development team: thanks to our experience, we can provide you with the most effective solutions in line with your proposal.