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8 tips to improve mobile conversions

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Whether reading the news, keeping in touch with loved ones or shopping online, people are spending more and more time on their phones.

Statista reports that mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 58.99% of global website traffic in the second quarter of 2022. As a result, website operators should give higher priority to mobile search optimisation (SEO).

Besides bringing traffic to your website, mobile optimisation can help increase conversions and boost profits.

In this article, we provide some tips for improving the mobile user experience and increasing conversion rates.


1. Only relevant content

When users read on large displays, they often especially appreciate longer, information-rich texts of 1,500 to 3,000 words. However, such long texts are more difficult to read on small displays and mobile users tend to be put off by them. A text should only be as long as its content and readability allow.

Mobile content can be a bit more compact. So:

I contenuti mobili possono essere un po' più compatti. Quindi:

  • Save superfluous introductions, possibly providing the solution in the first paragraph.
  • Structure the text in shorter paragraphs, with more subheadings, and make more use of bulleted lists.
  • Spare the detailed explanation of statistics, rather present facts and figures in a graph.
  • If possible, structure the text by answering all the W questions relevant to your topic in the first paragraph (Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?). 

This way, readers will immediately find what they are looking for.

2. Optimised images

Proposing high quality images is important because it is often these images that make a person buy or not.

However, there is a problem. Uploading many high-quality photos to the site leads to server overload and thus to slow loading. That is why it is important to optimise all the photos we upload to our online shop.

The loading of an e-commerce website has a major impact on the user experience and thus on sales. Ideally, a web page should take a maximum of 3 seconds to load. Optimised images will therefore not only impact the loading of the site in general, but also occupy less storage capacity because they are 'lighter'. Finally, a more pleasant and faster user experience creates more conversions because satisfied users buy more.


3. Clear and visible CTAs

It is tempting to fill the website with tons of information about your business, but you should focus on the main objective of the site. A call-to-action that leads to your main conversion goal should be presented as a button. This is immediately recognised as such by users and it becomes clear that they can interact with it.

Try to encourage your users to take action and lead them to conversion with attractive offers. If you have an e-commerce site, "Buy now" or "Add to cart" buttons should be easy to find on every product page. For consultants, a CTA such as 'Let's talk' or 'Make an appointment' should be at the top of your landing page.


4. Reducing the size of form fields

Excessively demanding customer data or making account creation mandatory is one of the easiest ways to lose customers on the path to purchase. Of course it is smart to collect customer data to better plan marketing campaigns and gain insight into your pool of potential and actual customers, but there is a balance to be kept.

The goal is to reduce the number of form fields to ensure that only the data necessary to complete the purchase is collected without overloading potential visitors. When a user visits your website for the first time, you need several pieces of information, including personal data, payment data, address data. Ideally, you should retrieve this information on a single page with a clear, streamlined design.


5. Optimised filters

I filtri sono uno degli strumenti più importanti per gli acquirenti online. Se ben implementati, garantiscono che i clienti possano orientarsi in modo intuitivo anche in grandi elenchi di risultati, senza dover inserire più query di ricerca. Ma in molti negozi online i filtri sono tutt'altro che facili da usare. Un esempio sono i filtri che appaiono più volte, un’ordine caotico e troppe o troppe poche opzioni di filtro rilevante. 


6. Negative space for clean navigation

Negative space (or white space) is the visual art term for the usually empty or white areas of a painting that do not attract attention. 

If there are too many graphics and text blocks on a page, the presentation loses its attractiveness and the user's eyes quickly tire. White space promotes readability and provides a resting point that allows the eyes to catch their breath and makes them ready for new tasks. Even a small space has a relaxing effect. Layouts are like guidance systems. They have the task of guiding the reader/user safely through the flood of information. And white space makes an important contribution to success.

If used well, in fact, negative space can be complementary to the main subject and can improve readability by making the image easier to assimilate. It is therefore useful to surround the most important elements with negative space to attract attention.


7. Scarcity and exclusivity

The more time people take to think about a decision, the more likely they are to change their minds or be distracted by other offers to buy. The goal of improving the conversion rate is to limit the time it takes for an individual to decide to click on your CTA. This creates a sense of urgency. Indeed, the scarcer the stock of a product or the more limited the offers, the more attractive the product is perceived to be. Scarcity is therefore an effective way to convince users of your product more quickly.

An incredibly effective way to achieve this is to impose a time limit on your offer. For example: 'Get a 50% discount on all purchases made in the next 48 hours'. The CTA can also have a shortcoming. Try using words like 'limited, this month' or 'today only' to create exclusivity.

8. Product Reviews

Product reviews are a decisive factor for a potential customer's purchase. According to data collected by Invesp, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a company. And 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Customers therefore read reviews before buying a product, and including the possibility of reviews or evaluating individual products in your e-commerce can have important concrete effects for your company. Reviews

  • increase conversions because items with reviews are bought more often than those without reviews. 
  • reduce return rates because they help buyers create a realistic expectation of the goods. 
  • increase traffic: product rating stars in text and product ads on Google increase the number of visitors to your shop.
  • support the optimisation of the product range as feedback from your customers helps you recognise which items are well received, which should be removed from the range or which need a better description.


An example of success: Clique

Clique is one of our customers for whom we developed the online shop according to the principles of simplicity, clarity and speed.

Clique Animazione Sito

As you can see:

  • Only the most relevant content has been included in order to show the essential information to the user.
  • Images are optimised
  • The forms to be filled out that appear only require the minimum information necessary to perform the requested action.
  • The CTAs for each article are clear and well defined.
  • Filters for each article make it possible to set the most useful information for the user without overloading them with information.
  • Between each section there are negative spaces that lighten the view from the load of content.
  • The site has a section of verified reviews thus offering a solid and reliable image to the brand. 

Interested in discovering the entire project? You can read the details here on our portfolio.

In this article, we presented the 8 aspects that should definitely be fixed to improve conversions from mobile. Leave us a comment or follow us on our social channels Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up-to-date on ecommerce issues and more.