Mappa Via Marconi 20, Bussolengo (VR)

E-commerce: from crisis to opportunity


Our lives changed over the last months. Life inside households brought us to rethink our daily habits. Some started working out in the living room, some gained familiarity with cooking, some juggled between their children's homework and home reorganisation and some learnt how to queue outside supermarkets. One thing is for sure: the rigid impositions made us feel part of a sole system

What else has transformed out behaviours? Without doubt the way consumers approach shopping. 


The boom in online sales 

The Coronavirus epidemic has completely revolutionised our way of living. Measures imposed from the lockdown have started a homely life harming purchases and consumption

Here is where the importance of having an e-commerce channel comes into place. Netcomm estimates that from March onwards 77% of online selling companies acquired clients that approached for the first time the digital world. This happens because online shopping reflects today's consume needs that is avoiding long routes, contact with others and queues. 

Starting from the big chain to the smallest shop everything is converting towards digitalisation: grocery shopping, buying medicines or clothes, purchasing electronics and the food home delivery service. 

Purchase habits and consumer behaviours shifted towards e-commerces, as they can guarantee a continuous service quality.


E-commerce advantages

Consumers are becoming accustomed to the comfort of purchasing directly from home what satisfies them mostly, perhaps while sitting on their couch. 

Therea are several advantages in opening an e-commerce:

  • Market expansion
  • Reduced running costs;
  • 24/7 opening times
  • Thanks to social media it's possible to amplify the pubblic and have a higher reach. 

 This doesn't mean that the opening of an e-commerce channel should replace the physical shop or restaurant, but it must become a parallel channel with which reaching new clients and increasing sales (You can find the complete article here).

Uomo con carta di credito in mano che digita al computer


What to do?  

To create, maintain and optimise your e-commerce it's necessary to trust experts in the sector who advice and support you in the various activities. 

We of DevInterface offer a personalised e-commerce realisation service:

  • We define goals, perform competitor and keyword analysis and we identify the segmentation of the target audience;
  • We develop the web platform and optimise the e-commerce platform;
  • We carry out on page SEO, advertising campaigns on Google Ads, Facebook Ads and newsletters.

Today companies need to promote their products through online shops and present themselves to a vast public.

With our services the chances at your disposal are numerous, and you can personalise them according to your needs. If you are interested in expanding your business and opening your e-commerce shop contact us!