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Django VS Ruby on Rails: which framework to choose?

django versus ruby on rails con tennisti sullo sfondo che si sfidano


Ruby on Rails and Django are two of the most popular frameworks in the world, respectively based on the Ruby and Python programming languages. But which is the best framework between the two? Let us make a quick comparison and try to answer.

An overview of Django and RoR

Both are open-source frameworks with very active global communities that facilitate accessibility and learning. RoR and Django are used to develop different types of web applications, with a wide variety of functionalities and features.

  • In RoR, for example, the development of: GitHub, Airbnb, Kickstarter and Dribbble;
  • While in Django we can count platforms such as: YouTube, Instagram, Spotify and DropBox;

Some pros of Ruby on Rails:

  • Very fast development;
  • Many tools and presets available;
  • Easy to edit;

Some pros of Django:

  • Scalable;
  • Highly customisable;
  • High compatibility with databases and operating systems;


How do Django and Ruby on Rails differ?

Let us look at some substantial differences between the two frameworks.


Of course, as written above, Ruby on Rails and Django are two frameworks based on two different languages:

  • RoR is based on Ruby, a programming language developed in 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto;
  • Django is based on Python, a programming language created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 and quickly became one of the main languages used in academia;

Development principles

Ruby on Rails follows the principle of Convention Over Configuration and allows developers to arrive at the desired result by writing less code. In Django, on the other hand, the developer mainly focuses on configuring the development environment to best suit his needs.


Ruby on Rails has a very flexible syntax: for example, you can create a certain functionality by following several different paths. Django on the other hand is known for having only one way to get to the solution you want to achieve. This approach of Django helps in reading and maintaining the code, sacrificing some of the creativity of RoR.


Who wins between Django and Ruby on Rails?

In conclusion, who wins the challenge between Django and Ruby on Rails? The answer, perhaps a foregone conclusion in the web sphere but still a necessary one, is: it depends.

Indeed, it depends on what you want to develop; there are applications that are better created in Ruby on Rails and others that are better created using Django. The choice to use one framework or the other, as well as to use a certain programming language or another, should not be taken lightly.

Our task starts here: we analyse the characteristics of a project and decide together with the customer which technology is best to work with. We use RoR and Django for jobs with different purposes and specifications.

  • With Ruby on Rails: we develop monolithic applications, e-commerce, microservices and APIs; 
  • With Django: we build large web platforms that need stability over time, chatbots and APIs;

Want to learn more about Ruby on Rails? Here are some pages for you:

If you would like more information on Django, go here:


Would you like to start developing a project in Django or RoR from scratch? Or do you already have one but need support and maintenance? Contact us for information!